Industrial kitchen planning by professionals

Best Culinary Kitchen Kitchen Consulting and Design

Das Ingenieurbüro Ronge Stria ist mit einer Erfahrung von über 30 Jahren und mit der firmenneutralen Beratung, Planung und Projektierung von Großküchen und Kälteanlagen von ca. 900 Projekten im In- und Ausland der größte Großküchenplaner Österreichs. Mit dieser langjährigen Erfahrung sind wir in der Lage, kostenbewusste CAD-Planungen mit rationellem Arbeitsablauf und moderner Technologie unter Berücksichtigung baulicher und hygienischer Auflagen praxisgerecht und kundenorientiert durchzuführen.

Unser Büro beschäftigt derzeit 9 Mitarbeiter und ist Mitglied im Verband der Fachplaner Gastronomie – Hotellerie – Gemeinschaftsverpflegung e.V. (VdF) und im Fachnormenausschuss Großküche tätig. Das Spektrum der Auftragsabwicklung unserer Unternehmensgruppe inkl. der Ronge & Partner GmbH reicht von der the planning of company-independent interior design to planning of kitchens and gastronomy and to tendering and awarding of catering and lease contracts, including quality improvement programmes in gastronomy enterprises, hotels and production enterprises, training and coaching of executives and employees in the culinary area, the creation of company organisations and also the improvement of target group-oriented offers.

Unsere Grundsätze

Seit unserer Firmengründung im Jahr 1967 hat sich zwar viel verändert, einige Konstanten sind für uns unverrückbar und als bleibender Wert fest ins „Buch“ geschrieben :

  • Absolute independence and neutrality
  • Loyalty to the client and owner of the property
  • Leadership in innovation
  • Thematic leadership
  • Driving force for industry-wide development and progress

Our planning services

Seit unserer Firmengründung im Jahr 1967 hat sich zwar viel verändert, einige Konstanten sind für uns unverrückbar und als bleibender Wert fest ins „Buch“ geschrieben :

    • Absolute independence and neutrality
    • Loyalty to the client and owner of the property
    • Leadership in innovation
    • Thematic leadership
    • Driving force for industry-wide development and progress


Cooking well is a creative act. Those who love cooking also love to invent. (Maria Callas)

Die langjährige Erfahrung von IB Ronge Stria zeigt sich in der absolut genauen und professionellen Arbeitsweise unserer Küchenplaner. Bei der Planung Ihrer Großküche werden die technischen Werte ermittelt, um sicherzustellen, dass die geplante Küche auch in der alltäglichen Praxis voll einsatzfähig ist. Vorentwürfe, Entwürfe, Einreichpläne, Installationspläne und Ausführungspläne werden auf jeder Stufe mit unserem Auftraggeber abgestimmt, sodass ein zufriedenstellendes Resultat garantiert ist.

We are pleased to present numerous references regarding planning projects in a wide variety of sectors (hotel industry, gastronomy, large-scale catering), which are an expression of the 100% satisfaction of our clients.


Committed to the client’s satisfaction

Monitoring the correct implementation of the kitchen concept and kitchen planning is of special importance. In particular, during this phase we check the project plans of the companies carrying out the work, answer all questions that arise regarding kitchen technology, clarify open points interfacing with other trades (if necessary, also on the construction site) and assist the client in the case of changes occurring in the course of the project.

As a matter of course, we also carry out cost controlling for our trade, check all supplementary offers as to their justification, reject unjustified supplements and develop solutions when unexpected situations arise.

The acceptance of services and performance of executing companies is also part of our service. The project ends with a clear and concise invoice check.

Delivery, assembly and installation of the kitchen are closely monitored so that defects and deficiencies can be identified at an early stage and additional costs avoided. We also assist you in checking the implementation plans and invoices to guarantee that the services are provided absolutely correctly 

Of course, we are particularly happy to assist you with the last steps on the final straight involving the coordination with authorities and construction approval of the kitchen. Thanks to our extensive experience in this area, we are familiar with the biggest hurdles and can easily clear the way for you, so that you can safely cross the finishing line.


Modern, innovative and progressive

When designing your industrial kitchen, we define the general conditions together with our project partners. On this basis architectural concepts as well as food and beverage concepts are drawn up and coordinated with all those involved, such as the client, architects and building technology experts. 

Communication with and among all players is of particular importance to us as the overall concept must be the basis for the successful implementation of all planned measures. Only if all perspectives are taken into account a perfect result can be achieved which is to the satisfaction of all parties concerned. 

A special benefit that our office exclusively offers is the highly professional and close cooperation within the Ronge & Partner consulting team. The team contributes to your success with its extensive background knowledge of kitchen processes and of the latest trends and developments. In this way, your kitchen is sure to be state-of-the-art and will delight you for many years to come.

Expert assessment

Sound, precise and independent

Our objectivity and independence from other economic and political actors makes us the ideal contact point for reliable and professional expert assessments. 

Depending on the requirements, our expert reports can be prepared as independent private expert reports or created by a court-certified expert. In our appraisal work, we often participate in dispute settlements and take this role very seriously. Therefore, we not only prepare the written and binding documents, but also seek to talk to both parties if so desired.

Finally, we seek appropriate possible solutions within the framework of the evaluated facts and offer these to our clients. Due to this approach, we have been able to find a solution for many issues and helped provide our clients with a solid basis for further business activities.

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